GOGO Packhouses

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GOGO Packhouses

GOGO packhouses is proud to be part of EKM Exports under the GOGO Group of companies.

GOGO’s farms are located in Marble Hall and Groblersdal. This area is known as the Loskop Valley, and it offers absolutely perfect conditions for the growing of citrus, among other crops. The soil is rich and there is an ample supply of water from the nearby Loskop Dam. Together, the farms are provided with water to maintain thousands of hectares of potential citrus growing land.

It is here that we grow and nurture hundreds of thousands of citrus trees to ultimately offer up batches of beautiful Navels, Valencias, Lemons, Clementines, as well as Grapes, that are distributed to the furthest corners of the globe.

Our packhouse facility currently packs 1 500 tonnes of citrus a day.

With a state-of-the-art equipment lines and agrobotics from leading manufacturers such as MAF RODA, GOGO packhouses feature electronic sorting equipement with multiple lane-sizers, Infrared, RGB and Ultraviolet photographic fruit quality analysis as well as fruit weight & density measurement.

The first MAF RODA line was acquired in 2009 and consists of two sizers. ONe for grading fruit, and the other for packing. GOGO has since expanded these lines: In 2015 an additional presorting and packing line was added, and our latest upgrade was completed in 2020. All sizers are equipped with the latest technology from MAF RODA, where both internal and external defects can be identified and sorted according to our strict specifications.

      • Facility

        GOGO Packhouses

      • size

        17 000 m2

      • work force


      • capacity

        1 500 tonnes citrus packed per day
        7 500 tonnes citrus packed per week
        500 000 pockets of oranges packed annually

      • Other information

        – State-of-the-art equipment incl. electronic sorting
        – Multiple lane-sizers
        – Infrared, RGB & Ultraviolet photographic fruit quality analysis
        – All fruit weight & density measured


State-of-the-art equipment ensures adherence to our strict quality standards

Each piece of fruit is electronically analysed both internally and externally to ensure it meets our strict quality standards. This includes taking 60 pictures per fruit in a matter of milliseconds (20 RGB, 20 ultraviolet, and 20 infrared), discarding any fruit that doesn’t meet these standards.

GOGO has been utilising MAF RODA equipment since 2009, and have recently expanded our lines in 2020 to ensure we have cutting-edge technology in packing equipment and agrobotics.

This is just some of the state-of-the-art equipment amd machinery used on our quest for fruit excellence.

Electronic Sorting Lines with multiple lane sizers

Multiple lane sizers ensure our volumes and customers demands are well met

State-of-the-art equipment ensures adherence to our strict quality standards

Each piece of fruit is electronically analysed both internally and externally to ensure it meets our strict quality standards. This includes taking 60 pictures per fruit in a matter of milliseconds (20 RGB, 20 ultraviolet, and 20 infrared), discarding any fruit that doesn’t meet these standards.

GOGO has been utilising MAF RODA equipment since 2009, and have recently expanded our lines in 2020 to ensure we have cutting-edge technology in packing equipment and agrobotics.

This is just some of the state-of-the-art equipment amd machinery used on our quest for fruit excellence.

GOGO Packhouses are able to meet demand

GOGO Packhouses currently pack 1 500 tonnes citrus per day,
7 500 tonnes citrus per week, 500 000 pockets of oranges annually and 3 000 000 boxes annually.

Contact Us

You can find us here

Stand 1, Portion 18, Newmark Estate, Silverlakes Road, Hazeldean, Tyger Valley, Pretoria, 0084

+27 12 809 1494


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